
124 posts 2 followers

Sabrina Benaim - Explaining My Depression to My Mother

"I think I learned that when X left,

How to turn the anger into lonely, the lonely into busy

so when I say "I've been super busy latly" I mean I've been falling asleep watching sportscenter on my couch to avoid confronting the empty side of my bed" 💔

"Coś czułem wyraźnie i czegoś zdecydowanie chciałem. A teraz wszystko się rozmydliło".


Tadeusz Konwicki "Mała apokalipsa"

Reposted from hormeza

It's easy to blame yourself for not working hard enough or failing to keep up with friends. It's easy to guilt yourself for sleeping too much or feeling like a burden to the people around you...

Wherever you are, at whatever point in life you're at... I'm proud of you for being here.

Reposted from skydelan via 1911s

"Nie musisz się zastanawiać, czy myślę o Tobie, bo myślę".

- Wisława Szymborska w liście do Kornela Filipowicza

Reposted from hormeza via redshadow